Copy of About Us

Transpeed Group, sida qaybo gudbinta si toos ah alaab-caalamiga ah, ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in ay qaataan qaybaha OEM si loo hubiyo tayada OEM iyo sidoo kale si loo yareeyo kharashka dayactirka iyo in la abuuro qiimo badan oo loogu talagalay macaamiisha.

Waqtigan xaadirka ah, Transpeed , shaabadda saliidda TC, Qalabka Roobka, Shafts, Bushing, Solenoids, jirka waalka, bamka IWM brand Transpeed wuxuu dhisay sumcad ganacsi oo wanaagsan wuxuuna helay ogolaansho iyo Nicmada in industry ee. Wax soo saarkoodu waxay ahaayeen kuwa aadka u iibiya Shiinaha iyo adduunka oo dhan.

As the development of  new energy automobile, TRANSPEED will continue enlarge products range and introduce more new energy vehicles parts, such as air tightness tester, new energy vehicles electronic control maintenance and test power supply,lithium battery system etc.  we estimate  in the coming 5 years, new energy automobile parts sale amount will up to 30% of our whole products system. 


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